NPS Board Member

Lisa and Chad Farley
Past Board Member and Family Member

Lisa and Chad served on the NPS Board 2013-2022. They shared a board position (one vote) and Chad also served as the NPS Treasurer.

Lisa obtained her bachelor of science in Nursing from the University of Texas. Chad is the President of ZTERS, Inc. He studied at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, obtaining a JD and MPA. The centers of their world are raising their three children.

Both helped and supported Gene and Linda Farley's mission and the Farley Center/NPS in numerous ways over the past years. Chad accepted the MLK award that was given posthumously to Gene Farley On behalf of the Farley Center/NPS, as part of the 34th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day ceremony in Madison in 2014. Lisa help create several versions of maps of the NPS.