Learning about Natural Path Sanctuary
When you purchase a burial site at the Natural Path Sanctuary, you are welcome to participate in these various educational offerings for free, as well as any of the activities that are hosted at the Farley Center throughout the year. Refer to the calendar of events for a listing of educational offerings http://www.farleycenter.org, if interested in participating in any of the programs or events, please contact the Farley Center staff to reserve your spot: Call (608) 845-8724 or programs@farleycenter.org
In addition to these offerings, if you are interested in a guided tour of the Natural Path Sanctuary burial ground, please call Shedd Farley, the Natural Path Sanctuary coordinator, (608) 845-8724 or e-mail director@farleycenter.org to make an appointment.
Watch a video of a 2023 workshop the shows how a shroud board is used and how a burial may happen. A Day with the Natural Path Sanctuary Staff June 17, 2023 from Downtown Dailies on Vimeo.
Links Related to Green Burial
Seth Jovaag’s interview with the Pierotti Family, as featured on To the Best of our Knowledge’s series Death: talking with Dan Pierotti through the end of his life. He is buried at the Natural Path Sanctuary.
Green burials, Extraordinary Stories by Doug Moe, Wisconsin State Journal:
Green Burial Council
National Home Funeral Alliance http://www.homefuneralalliance.org
Book: Grave Matters