Farley Center Director and Natural Path Sanctuary (NPS) Coordinator Shedd Farley will give a presentation and answer your questions about green burial. A tour of the NPS will follow.
Please reserve a spot by e-mailing programs@farleycenter.org or calling the Farley Center at 608-845-8724.
Optional tour of the Natural Path Sanctuary (NPS) by Director Shedd Farley following the presentation. The tour is contingent upon weather but for those who attend who would like a tour, we can schedule you in for a future NPS private tour date with Director Shedd Farley. There are stairs at the Center to the meeting space, if unable to do stairs, please let us know and a private meeting will be set up on another date to meet with Director Shedd Farley. Also, to let people know who are allergic to cats, there is a cat on the premises. Light refreshments will be served.