You are invited to come to the Farley Center / Natural Path Sanctuary for an evening of connection and meaningful conversation with the Creative Dying Card Game on Thursday, September 1 st. from 6:00-7:30 p.m. This event will be hosted by Megan & Ryan Miller at the picnic tables in the Bur Oak Welcoming Area (BOWA).
The Creative Dying Card Game is a conversation card game with the intention of offering a low-stakes, accessible way to have meaningful conversations about life and death. The game includes 176 question prompts to help inspire self-reflection and conversation.
Although talking about death is often avoided, exploring this topic can be liberating and practically important. In playing the Creative Dying card game, we hope that you might experience greater insight and connection to yourself, to other beings, and to the larger rhythms of life.
This game is part of the larger Creative Dying Project (founded by Megan & Ryan Miller), whose mission to start conversations about death, encourage end-of-life planning and establish an inclusive, community-based dying center.
This event is open to all, no experience or preparation necessary. Water and tea will be provided, feel free to bring a cup and anything else that might help you be comfortable during our time together.
You can learn more and check out the game at CreativeDying.org/game. $5-10 donations are encouraged but not required.