Tag Archives: volunteer

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Jeanne Meier – Farley Center Board Vice Chair

Farley Center Volunteer Day in the Sculpture Garden


Please join Farley Center Board Member Jeanne Meier, the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers and other Farley Center volunteers for a day working in the Sculpture Garden!

Chance to Showcase Farley Sculptures!

In addition to being a physician and community activist, Gene Farley enjoyed making sculptures, mostly in metal or wood. Many of his metal sculptures are permanently installed on the grounds of the Farley Center. We need to do some tender loving trimming so they don’t get lost in the plants which surround them.

If you would like to help with this project, grab your garden shears or clippers and come on out.

Meet at the Center at 8:20 at the Bur Oak Welcoming Area near the red packing shed.

This work is all outdoors so dress for the weather and bring work gloves and water bottles. If you have any questions, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Farley Center Volunteer Day on the Farm


Please join the Farley Center Farm Manager Seth Riley and other Farley Center volunteers for a day working on the farm.

Meet at the Center at 10:20 at the Bur Oak Welcoming Area near the red packing shed.

There will be a variety of outdoor tasks so dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles. If you have any questions, please e-mail  programs@farleycenter.org.

Farley Center Volunteer Day in the Natural Path Sanctuary


Please join the Director Shedd Farley and other Farley Center volunteers for a day working in the Natural Path Sanctuary!

Meet at the Center at 10:20 at the Bur Oak Welcoming Area near the red packing shed.

There will be a variety of outdoor tasks so dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles. If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.


Shedd Farley, Farley Center Director