Tag Archives: community

Hoot n’ Annie at Musicians for Gun Sense Concert

Sept. 29, 2024

Hoot n’ Annie
at Musicians for Gun Sense

at the  Linda & Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Sound Technician Steve Fischer of Stagecraft Productions

Musicians for Gun Sense will host a concert highlighting diverse musicians with a common interest in enacting common sense gun legislation. Organizer and musician Twila Jean will host this event featuring folk musician and actor Tom Kastle, First Avenue Acoustic, Hoot N’ Annie String Band, The Raging Grannies, and Forward! Marching Band. The event will take place at the Farley Center in Verona, WI.

In addition to the musical offerings, several organizations working toward peaceful solutions to violence, better gun legislation, and secure storage will be on hand to engage in discussion and disseminate information. These guests include representatives from Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, Be SMART, Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives, and Pastor Jeff Wild of Guns 2 Garden Tools.

The Farley Center offers a beautiful setting to enjoy music and spark discussion on creating a more peaceful society. The musicians, sound engineer, speakers, and volunteers are donating their time and talent for this free concert sponsored by The Farley Center, Moms Demand Action, and the Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives.

Moms Demand Action is a national organization founded by Shannon Watts, a mother of five. The day after the Sandy Hook tragedy, Shannon started a Facebook group with the message that all Americans can and should do more to reduce gun violence. The online conversation turned into a movement of moms, dads, students, families, concerned citizens, and survivors. Moms Demand Action has gone on to establish a volunteer chapter in every state of the country and Washington, D.C. and is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with nearly 10 million supporters.

This event also features authentic Navajo fry bread (please bring cash for food sales). Attendees are welcome to bring beverages of their choosing, and lawn chairs or lawn blankets.

Concert Flyer

 Raging Grannies at Musicians for Gun Sense Concert

Sept. 29, 2024

Raging Grannies
at Musicians for Gun Sense

at the  Linda & Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Sound Technician Steve Fischer of Stagecraft Productions

Musicians for Gun Sense will host a concert highlighting diverse musicians with a common interest in enacting common sense gun legislation. Organizer and musician Twila Jean will host this event featuring folk musician and actor Tom Kastle, First Avenue Acoustic, Hoot N’ Annie String Band, The Raging Grannies, and Forward! Marching Band. The event will take place at the Farley Center in Verona, WI.

In addition to the musical offerings, several organizations working toward peaceful solutions to violence, better gun legislation, and secure storage will be on hand to engage in discussion and disseminate information. These guests include representatives from Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, Be SMART, Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives, and Pastor Jeff Wild of Guns 2 Garden Tools.

The Farley Center offers a beautiful setting to enjoy music and spark discussion on creating a more peaceful society. The musicians, sound engineer, speakers, and volunteers are donating their time and talent for this free concert sponsored by The Farley Center, Moms Demand Action, and the Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives.

Moms Demand Action is a national organization founded by Shannon Watts, a mother of five. The day after the Sandy Hook tragedy, Shannon started a Facebook group with the message that all Americans can and should do more to reduce gun violence. The online conversation turned into a movement of moms, dads, students, families, concerned citizens, and survivors. Moms Demand Action has gone on to establish a volunteer chapter in every state of the country and Washington, D.C. and is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with nearly 10 million supporters.

This event also features authentic Navajo fry bread (please bring cash for food sales). Attendees are welcome to bring beverages of their choosing, and lawn chairs or lawn blankets.

Concert Flyer

Almuerzo y Aprendizaje en el Campo: conservación en el Farley Center y la Granja Los Abuelos

Sept. 9, 2024

En este dia del campo en el Farley Center, puedes ver prácticas de conservación en vivo en la granja, ¡y también tomar un almuerzo grátis hecha de ingredientes agrícolas y locales! Será una gira por las granjas del Farley Center con un enfoque en cómo los granjeros integran prácticas de conservación en sus operaciones. Ven para aprender las varias prácticas de conservación que son elegibles para fondos del Servicio de Conservación de Recursos Naturales del Departamento del Estado de Agricultura (USDA NRCS, por sus siglos en inglés). Juan Gonzalez, granjero de (Los Abuelos Farley Farm & Los Jalapenos CSA) será alla para compartir sus experiencias en implementar prácticas de conservación en su granja.

Empleados de NRCS van a estar disponible allá para compartir información de programas a fondos disponibles para granjeros urbanos, de escala pequeña, y/o miembro de un grupo que ha sufrido discriminación históricamente. Empleades de Go Farm Connect y Wisconsin Women in Conservation compartirán cómo pueden ayudarle a ustéd en alcanzar sus goles de conservación y pedir fondos del NRCS. Interpretación a español será disponible, con recursos específicos para granjeros hispano-hablantes.


Almuerzo y Más
Se proporicionan almuerzo, bebidas y más, según las restricciones dietarias notado en su forma de inscripción.

Cómo Vestirse
Prepáranse para la clima (sombrero, gafas de sol, crema de sol, botella de agua, chaqueta, segun el ambiente), ya que estaremos afuera del casa sin sombra en mucho del evento. Contacten a Seth Riley por farm@farleycenter.org o 608-485-2761 con otras preguntas acerca del evento.

Quíen deben asistir
Todo el mundo está invitado a asistir y aprender, incluso granjeros nuevos o aspirantes, familia, amigos, y profesionales de apoyo cultural y profesional. ¡Traen amigos y familia con sueños agricolas!

En el caso de lluvia: Reprogramaremos para el lunes, 16 septiembre, mismo plan y horario. Por favor chequen su email la mañana del lunes 9 septiembre para saber si vamos a cambiar el evento a la semana próxima, ya que solo lo cambiaremos si es absolutamente necesario.

Acerca de Go Farm Connect
¿Estás confundido por todas las oficinas, programas, y acrónimos federales? ¿Necesitas ayuda para encontrar los recursos adecuados?
Navegar por los programas del USDA puede ser abrumador, confuso e intimidante. ¡Lo entendemos! Somos un equipo de agricultores con experiencia con estas programas, comprometido a ayudar a conectarse con los programas adecuados. Ofrecemos servicios GRATUITOS que se enfocan en diferentes aspectos del desarollo de un negocio agrícola exitoso. Podemos proporcionar un Conector para que sea una guía personal, entrenador y aliado que comparta su objetivo de administrar una operación agrícola exitosa.

Go Farm Connect es una iniciativa liderada por agricultores para construir relaciones entre agricultores de cultivos especializados históricamente desatendidos (nuevos, mujeres, veteranos, BIPOC y inmigrantes) y las agencias agrícolas federales. Nuestros Conectores están capacitados para ayudar a las granjas de todos los tamaños y especialidades en Minnesota y Wisconsin a acceder a programas de asistencia agrícola. El proyecto de tres años está dirigido por Renewing The Countryside en asociación con el Departamento de Agricultura del Estados Unidos, la Agencia de Servicios Agrícolas y el Servicio de Conservación de Recursos Naturales. El registro a través de este enlace es útil para que el personal del USDA pueda estar avisado de las preguntas que desea que te respondan. El personal de Go Farm Connect puede tomar fotos y videos en este evento para promover programas y eventos futuros. Su confirmación de asistencia le da permiso para ser fotografiado. Por favor, hágale saber a un Conector en el evento si desea que no se le tomen fotos.

Lunch & Learn Field Day

Sept. 9, 2024

Join us at the Farley Center to see exciting agricultural conservation practices in action on the farm (and get free lunch featuring fresh local farm ingredients!) Participants will have the chance to tour farms at the Farley Center, see how farmers have integrated conservation practices into their operations, and learn about diverse agricultural conservation practices that are eligible for funding through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Wisconsin. Farmer Juan Gonzalez Torres (Los Abuelos Farley Farm & Los Jalapenos CSA) will join us to share about his on-farm conservation practices.

NRCS staff will be there to meet participants and share about programs and funding available to small-scale, urban, and historically underserved producers. Go Farm Connect and Wisconsin Women in Conservation staff will talk about how they can support you in getting started on your conservation goals and applying for NRCS funding. Spanish interpretation will be provided, and we’ll talk about specific resources for Spanish-speaking growers.

Please RSVP here:

Lunch & Snacks
We’ll provide lunch, snacks, and beverages onsite, according to dietary restrictions noted in the registration form you complete.

What to Bring & Wear
Come prepared for the weather (e.g., hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, water bottle, light jacket or rain jacket in case of sprinkles), as we will be outside and sometimes unshaded throughout the event. Please contact Catie DeMets at catie@rtcinfo.org or 608-466-0070 with any further questions regarding the event.

Who Should Attend
All interested parties are invited to attend and learn, including beginning and prospective growers, family, friends, and cultural and agricultural support professionals. Bring family and friends with farm dreams!

Rain date: Monday, September 16th, 2024, same timing and plan. Please check your email on the morning of Monday, September 9th in case we make the call to switch to the rain date; we will only reschedule if absolutely necessary.

Please RSVP here:

Are you lost in an alphabet soup of federal acronyms? Need help finding the right resources?

Navigating USDA programs can be overwhelming, confusing and intimidating. We get that! We’ve pulled together an experienced team of farmers to help you connect to the right programs. We offer FREE services that focus on different aspects of building a successful farm business. We can provide a Connector to be a personal guide, coach, and ally who shares your goal of running a successful farm operation.

Go Farm Connect is a farmer-led initiative to build relationships between historically underserved specialty crop farmers (beginning, women, veterans, BIPOC and new Americans) and federal farm agencies. Our Connectors are trained to help farms of all sizes and specialties in Minnesota and Wisconsin access agricultural assistance programs. The three-year project is led by Renewing The Countryside in partnership with the US Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, and Natural Resources Conservation Service. Registration through this link is helpful so that USDA staff can be aware of what questions you might want answered. Go Farm Connect staff may take photos and videos at this event to promote programs and future events. Your RSVP gives your permission to be photographed. Please let a Connector know at the event if you want to be kept out of photos.

Please RSVP here:

Climate Emergency Day in Wisconsin & July’s Building Unity Gathering


Save the date – Monday, July 22nd – Make history in Wisconsin as part of a global call for climate justice.

The organization Climate Clock has pulled together a powerful global coalition for a day of worldwide action. More info here: https://climateclock.world/climate-emergency-day

Building Unity, 350 Wisconsin and the Farley Center will be hosting a community potluck/each in as one of the many events happening around Wisconsin for Climate Emergency Day.

Community Potluck/Teach In – Climate Emergency Day – Wisconsin

Bring a dish to share, blanket, chair for the community potluck/teach in. Buidling Unity will have various speakers at this event addressing the need to act for the climate emergency.

Hosting Organizations:

Building Unity

350 Wisconsin

Farley Center


Sponsoring Organizations:

Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)
www. swwap.org

Physicians for Social Repsonsibility Wisconsin (PSR)

Wisconsin Environmental Health Network

For more information on how to get involved, please contact Timothy Cordon at Building Unity 608-630-3633

Check out all the events happening around Wisconsin for Climate Emergency Day. Wisconsin groups are coming Wisconsin’s State Capitol to demand that Wisconsin leaders act for the climate emergency.

Our day of climate action at or near the Capitol will include:

  • 5:39 – Sunrise gathering in Madison, WI on the shore of Lake Monona
  • A bus of supporters coming to State Capitol from Milwaukee
  • Noon: Rally at the State Capitol
    (RSVP –https://a4ce.me/CED2024)
  • 1:00 pm: Statewide virtual/in-person press conference at State Capitol (RSVP – com/CED-Press-Conf-RSVP)
  • 3:00 pm: Madison Bike Ride for Climate Action!
  • 5:00 pm: Madison Car Pool Caravan to Potluck/Teach-in.
  • 6:00 pm: – Potluck/Teach-In at the Farley Center for Peace, Justice & Sustainability in Verona, WI
  • AND at various times, actions in other communities across Wisconsin!

Plans are still in the works. Details and updates will come to “CED WI info page” as more info becomes available. Link below.

Show your support by endorsing Climate Emergency Day in WI: tinyurl.com/CED-WI-Endorse-Form. We’ll send you updates, promotional materials, bus info, & invites to related events.

For more information, call Building Unity at 608-630-3633 or go to the CED WI Info page: tinyurl.com/CED-WI-Info




Olbrich After Hours: Panchromatic Steel


Event by Olbrich Botanical GardensLinda & Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability and Panchromatic Steel

The Summer Concert Series is back with a fresh twist and new name – Olbrich After Hours! We’re open late! Enjoy an evening in the gardens with a rolling line-up of dynamic musicians, pop-up performances, and delectable food carts. Quench your thirst with a microbrew, summer cocktail, or mocktail. And connect with eco-friendly organizations committed to conserving our environment. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket seating. Doors stay open at 6 p.m.; concert starts at 7 p.m.

Olbrich After Hours is FREE; a $5 suggested donation supports the musicians and performers. Food and beverages available for purchase. Carry-in picnics allowed; carry-in alcohol prohibited.

Panchromatic Steel: At the heart of Panchromatic’s sound is the steeldrum, or “steelpan” as it’s known in its native Trinidad & Tobago. Founded in 2016 in Madison, Panchromatic Steel has blazed an entirely new trail in the city’s music scene, fusing island styles with pop hits, rock and jazz into a high-energy blend that is hard to categorize but easy to love. With top-shelf multi-instrumentalism and wide-ranging appeal, Panchromatic’s music brightens any day, transports listeners to their happiest moments in the sun, and threads the needle by being artful yet accessible to virtually everyone.

Food Carts: KC Taste Asian Cuisine & Frios Gourmet Pops

Eco-friendly Org: Natural Path Sanctuary

Presenting Sponsors: Bridging Nature & Arts Endowment and Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation

Series Sponsors: Sally Wilmeth & Terry Geurkink, Fox47, Audio for the Arts, M.O.D. Media Productions

 Musicians for Gun Sense Concert

Sept. 29, 2024

Musicians for Gun Sense

at the  Linda & Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Musicians for Gun Sense will host a concert highlighting diverse musicians with a common interest in enacting common sense gun legislation. Organizer and musician Twila Jean will host this event featuring folk musician and actor Tom Kastle, First Avenue Acoustic, Hoot N’ Annie String Band, The Raging Grannies, and Forward! Marching Band. The event will take place at the Farley Center in Verona, WI.

In addition to the musical offerings, several organizations working toward peaceful solutions to violence, better gun legislation, and secure storage will be on hand to engage in discussion and disseminate information. These guests include representatives from Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, Be SMART, Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives, and Pastor Jeff Wild of Guns 2 Garden Tools.

The Farley Center offers a beautiful setting to enjoy music and spark discussion on creating a more peaceful society. The musicians, sound engineer, speakers, and volunteers are donating their time and talent for this free concert sponsored by The Farley Center, Moms Demand Action, and the Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives.

Moms Demand Action is a national organization founded by Shannon Watts, a mother of five. The day after the Sandy Hook tragedy, Shannon started a Facebook group with the message that all Americans can and should do more to reduce gun violence. The online conversation turned into a movement of moms, dads, students, families, concerned citizens, and survivors. Moms Demand Action has gone on to establish a volunteer chapter in every state of the country and Washington, D.C. and is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with nearly 10 million supporters.

This event also features authentic Navajo fry bread (please bring cash for food sales). Attendees are welcome to bring beverages of their choosing, and lawn chairs or lawn blankets.

Questions to gunsensemusician@gmail.com

Concert Flyer

Farley Center Summer Market featuring the NPS-4:00pm

June 8,  2024, 4-5 p.m.

We will feature the Natural Path Sanctuary at the Farley Center Summer Market with a tour by Natural Path Sanctuary Board Chair Jeanne Meier from 4:00-5:00. Please meet a the kiosk a few minutes before 4:00.

So, come join us for a fun summer market at BOWA (Bur Oak Welcoming Area) at the Farley Center! We will have lots of vendors, food, music and a tour!

See info on the Farley Center Summer Market

Summer Market Flyer


Wisconsin Movement Workshop

July 15, 2024

WISCONSIN Movement Workshops

Monday, July 15, from 1:00-3:00 pm, at Farley Center, Verona, WI


The Movement Workshop covers BETTER body mechanics and movement patterns in order to decrease injury potential, increase efficiency and extend career longevity.

Topics covered include:

  • overall health related to athlete well-being
  • movement practice of four high use movement patterns: hinge, squat, push and pull
  • discussion of
  • kneeling patterns, rotation and core stability.

Each participant will leave with tips to improve their overall movement health + wellness. Q&A session.

These Movement Workshops are funded thru North Central ERME, and are offered to farmers and farm workers in Michigan and Ohio area.

  • North Central Extension Risk Management Education (ERME) ** supported by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under Award Number 2023-70027-40444, awarded to Labor-Movement LLC.
  • The USDA defines a farmer as: an individual or entity actively engaged in farming. Those that make a contribution to a farming operations capital, equipment or land, and/or whose contributions include personal labor including cultivating, operating, or managing on or at a farm.

These workshops are supported by:

  • FairShare CSA Coalition
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Cooperative Extension
  • Midwest Vegetable Growers Network


LIMIT: 15 participants per event.


Farley Center/Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)/Midwest Mujeres Collective Play Music on the Porch

Aug. 31, 2024

Farley Center/Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)/Midwest Mujeres Collective Play Music on the Porch – Open Mic Event

Come join us for an open mic event as we join the worldwide event “Play Music on the Porch”

Farley Center/Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)/Midwest Mujeres Collective –
Play Music on the Porch – Open Mic Event
5:00-8:00 (sign up starts at 4:30)

This event is open to all who would like to make music, tell stories, recite poetry, etc.. on the Farley Center deck! Sign up starts half hour before event at 4:30 . The number of signup dictates how long folks play.

Please bring your own chairs/blankets to sit out on the front lawn.

Reyna Gonzalez/El Sabor De Puebla & Farley Center Farmer will have Mexican food, organic vegetables and flowers for purchase. Please bring cash.

This event is hosted by:

Farley Center/Natural Path Sanctuary

Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)

Midwest Mujeres Collective

Questions, please contact Tim White (SWWWP) at uncleyukon@gmail.com,  Araceli Esparza at wisconsinmujer@gmail.com or programs@farleycenter.org

Concert Flyer (English)

Concert Flyer (Spanish)