Tag Archives: fun

Hoot N Annie Concert @ The Farley Center

Tickets: $15 at the door

All are invited to attend an Autumnal party at the Farley Center – What A Hoot!

On Sunday, October 10, the Farley Center with co-host SWWAP, will be throwing a “Hootenanny” with the Hoot’n Annie String Band. The fun begins at 5 PM.

There will be a free general tour of the Farley Center at 4:00 by Farley Center Board Chair Jeanne Meier. There will also be Farley Center honey for sale.

Attendees are invited to come early and walk through the Sanctuary and Farley Center farms, Pack a picnic, bring a beverage, chairs, blankets or even a cheese tray (seen at previous concerts).

Tickets are $15, and are available at the event. The Farley Center is located at 2299 Spring Rose Rd, near Verona Wisconsin. For more information on this event, please contact programs@farleycenter.org.


So, What’s a Hoot?


Websters defines *Hootenanny as “an informal gathering with folk music and sometimes dancing”. There will be plenty of that at the Farley Center on October 10.

A decade ago, at the beginning of the crackdown on protests at the Wisconsin Capitol, people gathered daily at noon to sing songs of solidarity. Now known as the Solidarity Singalong for nine years years, (the longest running protest of its kind in recorded history). Solidarity Singalong musicians who played instruments would gather to accompany the singers, calling themselves The Learning Curve, and many of them would stay after the scheduled sing, and play folk songs. Some were gospel, some were Americana, and all were fun to sing in harmony. Hoot N’ Annie continues to adopt new songs, new stylings and acquire new fans.

Hoot ‘n Annie is made up of 5 friends that play in several bands in and around Madison. Daithi “the fiddler” Wolfe on fiddle is in too many bands to mention them all, but you may know him from The Currach Irish Trio and Yid Vicious. Prentice Berge on guitar (Prentice is a Mt. Horeb native, graduating from Mount Horeb High School in 1981, before going on to St. Olaf College where he majored in music) and he also plays in County Hwy PD with Daithi, and often gigs with the Mad City Jug Band. Michael Bausch is on guitar and harmonica and also plays in the Wright Combination. Cindy Murphy is the multi-instrumentalist of the group, playing cello, mandolin, banjo and tenor guitar. Yes, her house looks like a magical music store full of rare and beautiful instruments. Our newest member, Tim ‘the librarian” Haub who has been playing with us regularly since 2014, officially became a member of Hoot ‘n Annie String Band in the summer of 2019.

*According to Pete Seeger he first heard the word hootenanny in Seattle, Washington in the late 1930s. It was used by Hugh DeLacy’s New Deal political club to describe their monthly music fund raisers. After some debate the club voted in hootenanny, which narrowly beat out wingding. Seeger, Woody Guthrie and other members of the Almanac Singers later used the word in New York City to describe their weekly rent parties, which featured many notable folksingers of the time. In a 1962 interview in Time, Joan Baez made the analogy that a hootenanny is to folk singing what a jam session is to jazz.

Hosted by:
Linda and Gene Farley Center
Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)
Mount Horeb Area Progressive Trolls
Solidarity Sing Along

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Kalev Kristjuhan – Natural Path Sanctuary Asst.

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Kalev Kristjuhan – Natural Path Sanctuary Asst.

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Jeanne Meier – Farley Center Board Vice Chair

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Jeanne Meier – Farley Center Board Vice Chair

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Jeanne Meier – Farley Center Board Vice Chair

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Jeanne Meier – Farley Center Board Vice Chair

Farley Center Volunteer Day!


Please join the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers at the Farley Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Please meet in front of the red packing shed.

We will be doing outdoor clean up work Please dress for outdoor weather and bring work gloves and water bottles.

Please social distance and wear masks if you feel more comfortable. We do require that all volunteers be vaccinated for the safety of all our volunteers and staff.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.

Spartan Youth Service (SYS) is James Madison Memorial High School’s largest volunteering club. There are over 200 dedicated students in SYS and the club mission is to do service work around our community.


Hyein and Amy- SYS CoChair

Jeanne Meier – Farley Center Board Vice Chair

Farley Center Volunteer Day in the Sculpture Garden


Please join Farley Center Board Member Jeanne Meier, the Spartan Youth Service (SYS) Volunteers and other Farley Center volunteers for a day working in the Sculpture Garden!

Chance to Showcase Farley Sculptures!

In addition to being a physician and community activist, Gene Farley enjoyed making sculptures, mostly in metal or wood. Many of his metal sculptures are permanently installed on the grounds of the Farley Center. We need to do some tender loving trimming so they don’t get lost in the plants which surround them.

If you would like to help with this project, grab your garden shears or clippers and come on out.

Meet at the Center at 8:20 at the Bur Oak Welcoming Area near the red packing shed.

This work is all outdoors so dress for the weather and bring work gloves and water bottles. If you have any questions, please e-mail programs@farleycenter.org.